10 July 2014 at 9:00 am

10,000 milestone marks new heights

Efforts to raise awareness of New Zealand as a study destination are paying off with downloads of marketing assets from a new online toolkit passing the 10,000 mark.

“Our story has more impact when we tell it together,” says Kathryn McCarrison, Education New Zealand’s General Manager of Marketing and Channel Development. “That there are now more than 10,000 pieces of our material in circulation internationally is a great sign for the developing strength of New Zealand’s education brand.”
An online toolkit of marketing materials, known as The Brand Lab, was launched in November 2013 to make tools to promote New Zealand education more readily available. “I’d like to thank the New Zealand education providers, agents and New Zealand officials offshore who’ve so quickly used these resources to complement their marketing efforts,” says Kathryn.
“While our brand awareness is increasing, especially in China and India, we still have a long way to go in comparison to our better known competitors, so please keep telling your friends and contacts about what’s available to help their recruitment and sales efforts.”
“The sharper we look together, the greater the impact we’ll all have when introducing New Zealand to prospective students and their parents.
“We’re also fortunate to have a large pool of resources to draw on,” says Kathryn. “As well as The Brand Lab, the New Zealand Story and Tourism New Zealand’s media resources can all be used to promote New Zealand abroad, paving the way for people to introduce their product, service or school in more detail.”
The Brand Lab is home to over 1,000 education-related assets ranging from royalty-free photos to a brochure series about New Zealand education available in nine different languages. More than 1,500 people from 60 nations around the world have downloaded digital assets so far, with the most frequent users being New Zealand institutions, international agents and Education New Zealand offshore staff.
It’s free to use and download materials, following a simple request process to ensure brand guidelines are understood.
The most popular downloads so far include the New Zealand Education Story video, the Think New education brochures, a directory of Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority’s multilingual student guides.
Kathryn says The Brand Lab will continue to expand and grow. “We recently asked our industry what they needed next so coming up soon are new photos, videos and a digital toolkit to promote studying in New Zealand online.”

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