11 May 2016 at 9:00 am

Agent Activity Fund in Colombia takes off

In the inaugural round of the Agent Activity Fund Colombian agencies were invited to "let their imaginations fly" in proposing ways to promote New Zealand.

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Scholarship winners and the Go Study, Work and Travel team

The event was organised by Colombian agency Go Study, Work and Travel​ and supported by ENZ’s Colombia team, via their Agent Activity Fund.  In this inaugural round of the Fund, Colombian agencies were invited to “let their imaginations fly” in proposing ways to promote New Zealand and increase Colombian student numbers to New Zealand.

Five agencies were awarded NZ$2,000 each, with Go Study, Work and Travel​'s information session being the first cab off the rank.

As an incentive, all participants at the information session went into the draw to receive two 12-week, English-language scholarships donated by EDENZ and New Zealand Language Centres.

The lucky scholarship winners were announced at the event.

A guest speaker at the session was Colombian blogger Maggi Mora who studied English in New Zealand last summer via an English New Zealand International Education Growth Fund project, and raved about her experiences here.

“This was a clear example of the benefits of different agencies working together,” says Lisa Futschek, ENZ Regional Director Americas and Europe.

“An offshore agent, NZ institutions, a former student and ENZ all working together to promote New Zealand is a powerful thing.” 

Javiera Visedo, ENZ Market Development Manager in Colombia, says upcoming projects funded by the Agent Activity Fund will focus on promotional activities using social media.

“It was great to see so many agents interested in partnering with us and submitting projects for consideration.

We would like to increase the fund next year because running it for the first time in 2016 has resulted in great exposure for New Zealand.”

Note: If you’re interested in promoting your region to Colombian agents, then check out the ‘Networking starts at home’ story for an opportunity to meet with Colombian (and other) agents in Wellington on Friday 27 May.

What's in it for me?