5 February 2014 at 9:00 am

Brazilian bloggers to report the Dunedin study experience

Two Brazilian bloggers with a collective audience of nearly five million will report on international student life from Dunedin this term.

While Caio Komatsu (25) from Sao Paulo studies Outdoor Adventure Leadership at Otago Polytechnic, and Luana Mazotti (24) also from Sao Paulo studies English at the University of Otago Language Centre, they will also both produce video diaries and blogs offering insights into local lifestyle, culture and attractions. 

Together the influential bloggers reach almost five million people through their popular culture blogs Fail Wars and Puro Veneno. They’ve been brought to New Zealand following successful similar social media campaigns into the Brazilian market, also featuring bloggers. The cooperative venture between Education New Zealand and the two Dunedin institutions is again supported by education social media consultancy Conversa.

ENZ General Manager, Marketing and Channel Development, Kathryn McCarrison says the pair will make excellent ambassadors for New Zealand’s international education programme. "It’s great to be able to use the networks and social media skills of admired and connected social media personalities like Caio and Luana. This is an innovative approach that we hope to roll out and replicate in other target markets across the world."

The blogging pair will also provide advice on ways to better engage with Brazilian youth. 

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