22 May 2019 at 9:00 am
Consultation on NCEA offshore delivery
The Ministry of Education has begun public consultation on a proposal to amend the legislation to prohibit (with some exceptions) the offshore awarding of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA).
The proposal would close a legislative loophole which allows private schools and tertiary education providers to award NCEA offshore.
Exceptions would be made to allow the continued awarding of NCEA through Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu for domestic students based offshore, and where government relationships exist to support it (such as in the Cook Islands and Niue). Where tertiary education providers are awarding standards that lead to other qualifications as well as NCEA, they will continue to be able to award standards leading to those other qualifications.
As NCEA has been developed for a New Zealand context, it is not readily transferable internationally. Therefore, awarding NCEA for study done overseas would present difficulties in moderation and quality assurance, which could create risks to the quality and international credibility of NCEA qualifications.
The Ministry would like to hear your views on this proposal.
Click here to download the NCEA Consultation Document.
To have your say, email your submission to legislation.consultation@education.govt.nz
Consultation closes 14 June 2019.