3 August 2016 at 9:00 am

EdTech tour continues to raise New Zealand’s profile

“The Edtech World Tour wouldn’t have been the same without New Zealand,” said Svenia Busson of the EdTech World Tour. 

Credit: Edtech 2016: Global Perspectives, Local Insights, Edtech World Tour

Svenia and Audrey Jarre were hosted by Education New Zealand to visit edtech companies and educational institutions in  Auckland, Wellington and Dunedin in December as part of their seven-country and five-month study of edtech ecosystems (see 16 March news story).   

Last week, the pair released their report and New Zealand video in which some excellent initiatives from around the world and New Zealand are profiled. 

Some key themes for successful edtech are:

  • Local context matters – ‘there is no Uber for education’
  • Requires a supportive eco-system and community
  • ‘Teachers are the killer app’ 
  • Requires infrastructure, professional development and teacher input.

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