25 June 2015 at 9:00 am

ENZ programme review

ENZ’s agent programme has allowed agents recommended by both education providers and our in-market teams to be a part of our ‘Recognised Agencies’ programme.

Through this, they have access to tools in our Brand Lab, are listed on our website, and we send student leads their way through studyinnewzealand.com

We’re reviewing the way the programme operates and is administered now that it’s been underway for a year. The project to review the programme is currently open for tender on the New Zealand Government Electronic Tenders Service.

We know there are improvements to make to the programme and challenges to address, and this programme review reflects the points you’ve raised with us. Immigration New Zealand is a key party to this review and will be consulted throughout.

ENZ staff will continue to manage the programme during the review. We haven’t reappointed a Channel Development Manager at this stage; if you have any queries, please contact us through agenthelp@enz.govt.nz

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