13 February 2024 at 10:30 am

ENZ survey to understand the supply of student accommodation is underway

ENZ is conducting a survey to understand the supply of international student accommodation and any potential capacity issues or barriers experienced by our sector. The survey is open until Friday 1 March and we welcome the insights of our international education providers. 

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The availability of accommodation for international students is often cited by our education partners as a potential barrier to the growth of the international education sector here in New Zealand. To date, evidence of this as a barrier has been anecdotal from individual providers and regions, with no specific data to offer a clear picture on the actual situation and extent of it.  

Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) is therefore conducting a survey of international education providers with the aim to understand more about any potential or actual shortages, where and what accommodation type, and why that be, at a regional, sub-sector and national level. While the survey aims to better understand capacity issues and whether it is a barrier for growth in any part of New Zealand, we importantly want to build an evidence base to then enable tracking over time if a need is identified. Survey results will be shared with peak bodies and regions at an aggregated level to inform cross sector regional conversations and planning to address any issues found.  

The survey link has already been sent out to the peak bodies who are forwarding this on to their members. If you are an international education provider here in New Zealand with experience in international student accommodation and have not yet received an email with the survey link, please email SectorEngagementTeam@enz.govt.nz. The survey will be open from now until 1 March 2024 

This is an inaugural survey and if you think a key question or aspect has been missed and should be included in future surveys, please use the free text box to capture this.  

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