22 June 2022 at 9:30 am
ENZ wins gold at India’s Kaleido Awards
Congratuations to the Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao team in India, along with agency Ruder Finn, for picking up the gold award in the Education category of the 2022 Kaleido Awards.
The annual Kaleido Awards showcase excellence in communciations and public relations, and attracted 500 entries this year.
ENZ’s win was for the campaign, “Unlock Potential for the New You”, developed as a way of responding to the travel restrictions caused by COVID-19, and the need to maintain a pipeline of students interested in higher study with New Zealand.
The campaign focused on bridging the learning gap for all our local stakeholders – students, partners, industry experts, teachers, and agents. A series of events was organised, including masterclasses for students, a media training session for education agents, and a Women of the Future summit to celebrate International Women’s Day. The idea was to showcase the varied ‘newer’ learning prospects available in New Zealand.
These learning opportunities were supported by content across a range of social media channels. We also engaged with prominent journalists and provided news stories. The campaign saw a 50% increase in student applications for different courses at New Zealand universities, along with a 75% increase in inquiries about study with New Zealand.