1 April 2015 at 9:00 am

Events in Latin America a great success

A highly successful Latin America “roadshow” of education events that wrapped up late last week attracted record numbers of agents and students.

Latin20America20collage 0
Top: Atendees at the Bogota, Colombia fair, Bottom left: Atendees at the Sao Paulo fair, Bottom right: Sao Paulo agent seminar

A mixture of education fairs and agent seminars were held in five cities across Brazil, Chile and Colombia and proved to be hugely popular. Three times as many students and families attended the ENZ fairs in Bogota and Santiago as attended the 2014 fairs, with a queue of eager students waiting their turn to enter the Education New Zealand fair in Bogota.  

The students themselves expressed surprise at the level of interest from their peers in studying in New Zealand and, though some may have felt a little regret that their study destination “discovery” was not theirs alone, it affirmed that their interest was well-founded.

As well, more New Zealand institutions – representing all sectors of the industry – than ever took part in the series of events, showing a real desire for greater engagement with prospective students in this region.  

But it wasn’t only about the numbers.

Feedback from the institutions that participated was very positive, and included comments such as:

“ENZ operates very well in South America. The staff seem to be very switched on and they have a lot of market experience. I have been involved in many ENZ events in various countries and I am very happy with South America.”

“The marketing of the event was clearly done very well because there were a lot of interested students and family members. Well done to Ana, Sam and Javiera for organising such a good event”

“Awareness of New Zealand as study destination was very good”

If you would like to know more about events in Latin America then please drop us a line events@enz.govt.nz

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