17 February 2016 at 9:00 am
How big are our product and service exports?
ENZ has contracted Infometrics and Covec to measure the value of education product and service exports to the New Zealand economy.
As part of the valuation process, a short survey will be sent to relevant members of New Zealand’s international education industry this week.
The survey aims to understand more about the companies and organisations that gain export revenues from providing education products and services offshore, including the type of activities they engage in and the associated revenues. Revenue figures will remain confidential to the researchers and will be aggregated so that it will not be possible to associate any particular entity with the published data.
The survey will enable ENZ to update our 2012 estimate of the value of education exports at $104 million. We encourage industry who receive the survey email to take part in this important data gathering exercise so that the value of your business is accurately reflected.
Exports include the offshore delivery of qualifications, consulting, publishing, education technology and industry training. Exporters of education services comprise education organisations and companies, as well as an increasing number of companies whose primary business is not education, but which undertake training overseas.
If you are an active education exporter and have not received an invitation to participate in the survey by 29 February please get in touch with Adele Bryant.