24 June 2013 at 9:00 am

Immigration physician panel update

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has informed panel physicians in 103 countries about changes resulting from a New Zealand-Australia agreement to jointly manage an aligned offshore network of panel physicians.

The agreement will improve the quality of health examinations visa applicants receive from doctors and radiologists undertaking immigration health examinations. Implementation of the aligned network will take place in three phases and is expected to be fully completed by mid 2014. 

Removals and additions to INZ’s panel physician list in this phase of alignment will become effective on 30 June 2013. Panel physicians being removed from INZ’s list have been informed not to accept appointments after 29 June 2013.

Applicants who have had a medical and/or chest X-ray certificate completed by a panel physician being removed from INZ’s panel will still be able to submit these certificates with their visa application if they have been completed prior to 30 June 2013.

The aligned network will be jointly managed and co-ordinated by INZ and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

The benefits of alignment include:

  • improved customer service;

  • targeted communication, administration, performance management and training for a single panel physician network, and related cost savings;  

  • enhanced integrity through robust auditing and analysis;

  • expansion of tuberculosis screening and treatment networks; and

  • progression of the immigration Five Country Conference objectives including: the promotion of health protection and efficiency through effective shared management and quality assurance, and promoting best practice, partnership and shared investment.

A key consideration in developing this agreement is that the panel physician network remains responsive to the needs of INZ and DIAC visa applicants.  INZ and DIAC are working closely together to develop and implement a joint management framework.

The INZ panel physician list is on the INZ website.  If applicants are unsure whether their medical certificates have been completed by a panel physician they should refer to the INZ website, or contact their nearest INZ office for further advice.

INZ have also published additional information on the Questions and Answers section of its website.

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