16 September 2015 at 9:00 am

Industry survey results 2015

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete the 2015 Industry Survey.

This year’s survey focused on the services and support delivered by ENZ. We asked you which ENZ services you have used, how important you find them to support your business objectives, and what you think of our performance in delivering them.

The 304 survey responses we received have provided a wealth of data which we are using to refine and improve our industry service and support offerings.  

What you told us

Overall, you indicated you were largely satisfied with ENZ services. Eighty-one percent of respondents were satisfied the quality of ENZ’s services and support, and 70 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that ENZ services had added value to their organisation.

Overall country reports and market intelligence were considered the most important ENZ service, followed by the International Education Snapshot Reports.

The Education Publishers Export Growth Strategy was considered the best performing service, while Virtual Fairs was considered the weakest.

Of all ENZ’s services and support for industry, E-News was consistently rated highly.  



25What we’re focused on

We’re using the survey information to drive improvements across our industry service and support offerings. In addition to a range of planned changes to improve individual services, we plan to work on the following:

  • A move to differentiated services: For the first time ENZ has been able to understand the industry survey results by sector, job function, and scale of international education provision. Not surprisingly there is a clear message from the survey that a ‘one size fits all’ approach to providing industry services needs to change in order to improve the quality, value add and relevance of ENZ services. Accordingly a key focus for us in the coming year will be to better differentiate our service and support offerings to meet the diverse needs of a range of sectors and providers
  • Support for small and regionally-based institutions: We asked survey respondents to suggest what services and support ENZ should start offering to encourage their business growth. Nearly one in five responses related to enhanced support for smaller providers and for those located outside of the main centres. A second priority for us out to June 2016 is to develop a suite of online tools that can meet this need. We have started development of a prototype online toolkit with the input and guidance of a number of providers.
  • Enhanced communications: We also asked survey respondents to identify what ENZ could do to make our services and support more relevant. Thirty-eight percent of responses identified better communications and engagement. Stay tuned for the next issue of E-News which will feature a new and improved approach to our key communications channel. And don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn.
  • Market intelligence: Just behind enhanced communications, nearly one fifth of survey respondents identified better and timelier market intelligence as a key support need. We know you value country reports and market intelligence and are working on initiatives to provide more information, available online and in ways that suit industry needs.
  • Agent programme: The ENZ Recognised Agent Programme was one of the lowest rated ENZ services in respect of our performance. As indicated in previous issues of E-News, we have commissioned an external review of the ENZRA Programme. Results from that review are expected shortly and will be used as the basis for considering how to address the perceived issues with the programme.
  • Seminars and professional development events: We’re working to reshape how we deliver our seminars and professional development events to better meet the diverse needs of different sectors and to add more value through a more differentiated approach. This may involve better utilising the time of participants by offering several related topics on the same day.  

The next Industry Survey will be held in June 2016. If you have any questions regarding the Industry Survey, please contact Sam Mackay.  

Summary of results by sector








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