29 October 2015 at 9:00 am
Handing your institution’s Instagram account over to your students could pay big dividends for your marketing efforts if ENZ’s experience is anything to go by.

For those who haven’t joined the Insta-revolution, Instagram is a photo sharing app and social network. Instagram is all about sharing aspirational images, so it’s the perfect space to grow brand awareness through creative and clever imagery, and storytelling.
Since being acquired by Facebook in 2012, Instagram has gone from strength to strength and is now the world’s fastest growing social media platform. It’s extremely popular in the youth market, has more monthly users than Twitter and has a highly engaged and positive audience. There’s lots of information out there about Instagram and how it can support your marketing activity – a good place to start is Social Media Examiner.
ENZ launched @studyinnewzealand on Instagram in February, choosing to hand the reins over to 15 scholarship students to document their New Zealand education experience.
With a little incentivising ($200 towards a study adventure for the best contributor) and some creative angles, our students have showcased all the great things New Zealand offers as a study destination – from meeting people (and puppies) to having outdoor lessons on a sunny spring day; and from walking the Tongariro Crossing to ticking the quintessential bungee off the New Zealand “must-do” list.
Adopting this authentic voice has seen significant organic growth in @studyinnewzealand followers. The latest tally was 6,163 followers, with more than 1,000 prospective students signing up to follow us in the last two weeks.
We are also able to use the student’s Instagram content on our Study In New Zealand Facebook and Twitter pages, to support content and to create conversation.
If you haven’t already checked it out, follow our student journeys at @studyinnewzealand or tag us in your next Instagram masterpiece. Email us at social@enz.govt.nz if you’re considering handing your Instagram account over to your students.