27 May 2015 at 9:00 am

Massey study abroad programme a big hit

Massey University’s study abroad programme is proving such a success it’s expanding into new fields.

Greg Huff, Manager of Student Mobility, said 38 students from the United States (US) have signed up for this year’s National Expedition and Internship, up from the first year tally of seven.

Education New Zealand provided financial support through the International Education Growth Fund to help kick-start the programme.

The expedition and internship, which can be selected separately or together during June and July, hosts students for two weeks’ travel through New Zealand followed by a four week internship in Hawke’s Bay while earning university credits. Massey's six week study abroad programme takes place during the US summer holidays and is equivalent to earning half a semester's worth of credits that can be transferred back to their home university.

This customised study abroad experience provides opportunities for students studying agriculture, agribusiness, environmental science and wildlife management to gain hands-on professional experience relevant to their degree.

The current programme has proven to be so successful Massey will next year offer a programme targeting students studying journalism, public relations, advertising, media studies, marketing and communications.  Details are still being developed but it is likely to be based in Wellington. 

Greg is promoting the programmes at NAFSA (National Association of International Educators – previously foreign student advisers).

While Massey is focusing its recruiting efforts on the United States, students from any country are welcome to attend.  Some international students studying in the US have chosen to come on this programme.

Massey is also looking to start a third programme in 2017.

“We’re looking at programmes that are complementary so they do not cannibalise each other.  We are very pleased with the interest shown by students.”

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