17 February 2016 at 9:00 am

Meet the Brazil expert

ENZ‘s Market Development Manager in Brazil, Ana Azevedo, recently caught up with Maura Leão who is the president of Brazil's largest agent organisation, the Brazilian Educational and Language Travel Association (BELTA).

Maura Leao President of BELTA3
Maura Leão, Belta President

Ana took the opportunity to clarify the recently-introduced – and then removed – tax on international education fee transfers and gain insights from Maura on New Zealand’s competitive advantage in the Brazil market.

Ana: What is the Brazilian Educational and Language Travel Association (BELTA) is and what does it do? 

Maura: BELTA is a non-profit organisation that works across Brazil. Launched in 1992, it was the first association working in the field of international education in Latin America. Today, BELTA agencies represent 75 percent of Brazil’s international education market. These agencies are committed to promoting, facilitating and delivering education and exchange services (educational and cultural programs of all kinds and for all ages, courses, internship and volunteer work programs), in Brazil and overseas. BELTA is often asked to share its experiences with other countries to help them organize their own associations.

Besides promoting Study and Exchange Travel, BELTA monitors the standard of services offered by its associated companies, evaluating their performance from both a student and international partner organisation perspective. Only agency partners of the highest integrity and who agree to abide by the Association’s Social Statute and rigid Code of Ethics are allowed to join BELTA.

Along with the Board of Directors, I am responsible for ensuring BELTA functions correctly, and for representing the Brazilian market to international government and education entities. BELTA is a member of the Federation of Agencies Associations, and I am its president for the next four years.

The income tax on international transfers relating to educational purposes (such as student exchange programmes) has recently been in the news. The Brazilian government has now announced that it will not charge those transfers. Would you clarify and comment on that? 

At the start of January the Brazilian government decided to end the tax exemption for payments due abroad. The proposed rate for the new tax was between 6.38 percent and 33 percent. Fortunately, on 26 January 2016, the Department of Federal Revenue published that study abroad programs would be exempt from the new tax.

Brazilian students are now able to plan their international exchange programs with the knowledge that they will not have to pay this tax. This good news for our New Zealand partners!

We know the weakening of the Brazilian Real in relation to the American dollar and the Euro has had an impact on the demand for education abroad to those destinations. Do you believe that New Zealand may be a more desirable study destination in the current economic scenario? 

New Zealand has a big market in Brazil because of the favourable exchange rate and the high quality of the education. The opportunity to work while studying is also very appealing for Brazilian students. All of these conditions combined places New Zealand in a special position as a destination for the Brazilian student. 

Brazilian students are looking for qualifications that will help them succeed in the challenging job market. They are looking for postgraduate and specialized programs that will position them well in the job market, when the Brazilian economy is back on track. New Zealand is well-placed to fulfil this demand.

What’s your connection to New Zealand? What’s your view of New Zealand as an education destination for Brazilian students and what advice you would give to NZ institutions wanting to attract Brazilian students?

I have visited New Zealand as part of my job, visiting a range of education institutions. I have also had the opportunity to visit the country with my family as a tourist. It offers great education and lifestyle opportunities for students and fantastic tourism experiences.

Students are able to live in a very safe environment, can choose from a great variety of high quality institutions and subject areas, in all kinds of cities or towns. And all within a country with beaches and mountains, fields and farms, with very hospitable and well-educated people.

New Zealand is a top education destination and I love its people! This is my very personal opinion!

Institutions wanting to receive Brazilian students should:

  • offer high quality academic programmes and excellent facilities, including accommodation

  • work with high-quality agencies

  • promote the school regularly throughout the year

  • offer good advice on visa processes

  • be open and understanding to the cultural differences between New Zealand and Brazil.

Find out more about BELTA at http://www.belta.org.br/

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