13 December 2013 at 9:00 am

Merry Christmas from ENZ

A Christmas message from Education New Zealand's Chief Executive, Grant McPherson.

2013 had its usual mix of challenges and successes, but as an industry we’ve still got plenty of reasons to be optimistic. Trends such as the projected growth in international education worldwide, the rapidly increasing demand for international education among the growing middle class in Asia and the relatively untapped opportunities for New Zealand education programmes to be delivered offshore (not to mention the possibilities for significant growth in student recruitment) all bode well for a brighter future.

The launch of the New Zealand Education Story and its associated customisable marketing assets allow us all to tell a shared story as one. This, combined with the new website studyinnewzealand.com, will boost our marketing efforts enormously, helping to drive more inquiries through to your institutions.

I trust the products and services that Education New Zealand (ENZ) developed and delivered in 2013 to support your growth are useful and making a difference. There are more industry support products and services to come in 2014, and these will be delivered alongside the most important collaborative project we’ve initiated this year: the Strategic Roadmaps programme.

The New Zealand International Education Conference held in November was one of the highlights for me this year. As well as enjoying the chance to meet and talk with many of you, I also got a real sense of the collaboration that’s going on in our industry.

Thank you for your continued interest in hearing about the news and opportunities that we bring to you through our e-newsletter. We are committed to improving our communications in 2014, and this will include a review of International Education News, to ensure it continues to provide information and news that adds value to your work.

But for now, have a great summer holiday break.

Grant McPherson Chief Executive, Education New Zealand

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