25 November 2015 at 9:00 am

More website enhancements

In the last E-News, we highlighted recent improvements to our key student-facing website, studyinnewzealand.com. Visitors to this site grew from 1.8 million in 2013/14 to 3.3 million in 2015/16 – an 83 percent increase.

In this issue, we alert you to changes to the site’s navigation and content, and remind you about the content that is available in to our audiences in their local language.  

New navigation

The new tabs across the top of the website (see below) reflect the most popular content searches our prospective students make.

The ‘Study options’ tab has only been in place for a month and already it’s ranking as the third most popular section of the website.

Each section has a new landing page, designed to display the most popular content as clearly as possible to our student and parent audiences.

New content

Work rights and work ready pages have been developed, as we all know there’s always high demand for information around employment.

These new pages complement the dedicated pages that recently went live for:


More languages

Throughout 2014/15, studyinnewzealand.com progressed from a website that provided the same content to all markets in English language only, to one that now provides tailored content to each of ENZ’s ‘Promote’ and ‘Rebalance’ markets. In many cases, this content is provided in the local language.

Since late September, content pages in the Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai languages have been accessible via the drop down menu at the top right hand corner of the studyinnewzealand.com homepage.

Content is also now provided in Japanese, Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese. This content is only accessible by people in market at this stage.

As more programme pages are rolled out in 2016, we’ll be able to provide you with a more detailed picture as to how referrals are tracking.  

Why are these developments important?

Effective digital marketing, and sharing relevant content, is critical in reaching prospective students and the people who influence their decisions. It’s also important for driving referrals to your websites and to agents.

The target student audience for our marketing is the ‘Millennials’ – the first generation that has never known life without the internet. More than 90 percent of Millennials use the internet to connect with friends and to find information to help make decisions.

A desire for Millennials to access relevant and useful information as readily as possible, and be motivated to seek more information from institutions and agents, is what drives these website developments.

Audience testing, plus gap and data analysis, inform what kind of developments are made. All developments have the ultimate aim of driving referrals to institutions and agents.

What's in it for me?