19 July 2023 at 10:00 am
NauMai NZ has a brand-new look

We are excited to share that NauMai NZ, ENZ’s student experience digital platform, has undergone a refresh and has a new look and feel, bringing it in line with the wider ENZ brand family. Check out its new look here.
NauMai NZ provides clear, timely information and advice about the things that international students want and need to know - arriving in New Zealand, study and education, health and wellbeing, New Zealand and Māori culture, exploring New Zealand, making friends, safety, money, work, and much more. It links to expert resources where appropriate and is designed to complement information provided by education providers.
NauMai NZ was launched four years ago and since then has had one million page views.
Student Experience Manager, Ross Crosson says the aims and objectives of NauMai NZ have not changed.
“NauMai NZ is still about providing trusted, accurate information to support student wellbeing, bridge the gap between expectation and reality, enable social connection, and improve student experience outcomes. The revamp is about being responsive to the needs of a wider range of students who are studying with New Zealand, not just in New Zealand” he adds.
Alongside the new look, new content has been added including,
- Life on campus (orientation, clubs, student associations)
- How to maximise your experience (goal setting and support options)
- Road safety
- Outdoor safety (including water safety, hiking and tramping, hunting/mahika kai)
- Online study for offshore students
- Global Pathways
“Just as we have over the past four years, we will continue to add new content to NauMai NZ to meet student need and expectation. The site is always evolving and feedback is welcome” Ross says.
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Ross, ross.crosson@enz.govt.nz.