25 November 2015 at 9:00 am

New ENZ appointments in the US

ENZ is pleased to announce the appointment of Amy Rutherford as Senior Market Development Manager, North America. Amy will be based at the New Zealand Consulate-General Los Angeles from 7 January 2016, and will cover the US, Canada, and Mexico.

With the US being an ENZ promote market, and with a number of substantial projects already in train, Amy will certainly hit the ground running. 

Amy studied in the US herself as an undergraduate student, and has previously worked for the University of Otago in the North American and European markets and as New Zealand Resident Director for a US study abroad provider, the Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University. She has been at ENZ for the past three years as Market Manager for China and North America.

“I am delighted that Amy is taking up this position in the US,” says Lisa Futschek, Regional Director – Americas, Japan and Korea. “Amy brings a unique mix of skills and experience to this role, having both studied and worked in the US and having worked supporting US students during their time studying in New Zealand. She also tells me she’s visited 39 states – more than most Americans – and one of her aims by the end of her time in the US is to get to all 50!”

“I cannot wait to get to LA to support New Zealand providers’ work in North America,” says Amy. “The US is looking to double the number of students they send overseas by the end of this decade which means there are significant opportunities for New Zealand. Please contact me regarding any work you’re doing in the US, Canada or Mexico.”

ENZ has also employed Alanna Dick on a six month contract to work as Field Director - North America. Alanna will be on the road promoting New Zealand education from 4 January. Alanna, a dual citizen of New Zealand and the United States, grew up in the US and studied at Smith College for her BA. Alanna earned a Master’s in Special Education from Arizona State University and taught in South Phoenix. After working at ENZ as Agent Travel Coordinator and Support Coordinator for two years, Alanna returned to the States in April this year. She has been working at CIEE as Interim Senior Marketing and Events Coordinator in Portland, Maine. She also volunteers at Abroad with Disabilities.

Amy’s email address is amy.rutherford@enz.govt.nz. Alanna will be contactable from 4 January at alanna.dick@enz.govt.nz. Lisa Futschek can be reached at lisa.futschek@enz.govt.nz.

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