23 November 2016 at 9:00 am
New Zealand’s expertise shapes Guangdong’s new framework
A senior delegation from Guangdong, China visited New Zealand this week on a fact-finding mission about our National Qualifications Framework and associated approvals, accreditation and quality assurance processes – with the aim to implement a similar model back home.
As China does not currently have a National Qualifications Framework, the delegation’s first task was to research and make recommendations on the development and implementation of a model for the Guangdong province.
The delegation included six experts from the Open University of Guangdong, which has contracted by the Provincial Government to undertake the project. Vice President Li Jian, head of the delegation, described their work as “pioneering” within the Chinese system.
ENZ’s International Market Manager (China, Korea, Japan) Tania Woodcock says the visit provided a great opportunity to showcase New Zealand’s education system, as well as the people behind it.
“While the delegation gained insights into our qualification framework, they also went away with a broader understanding of how our organisations in the education sector work together.”
The two-day visit was hosted by ENZ in close partnership with NZQA, Weltec, Universities New Zealand, the Academic Quality Agency and Victoria University of Wellington.
Vice President Li Jian with Emeritus Prof. Sheelagh Matear (Director, Academic Quality Agency for UNZ) and Wendy Robinson (Academic Programmes Manager, UNZ)
The programme focused on the design and administration of the National Qualifications Framework, discussing it from each host organisation’s perspective.
Tania says the delegation found the visit invaluable in shaping its thinking, and will shortly submit its report to the Provincial Government.
“The success of the visit couldn’t have been achieved without the warm hospitality of all those involved, especially in light of the recent earthquakes which provided a few logistical challenges.
“Thankfully, both the hosts and the delegation had a good sense of humour about it, and at one point agreed to continue meetings under the table in the event of another quake!”
An additional objective for the delegation was to build relationships with government officials and providers, making this visit an important first step in that process.
The ENZ China team will be following up with the Guangdong team in China on engaging further on this project.

At Weltec, Petone Campus. Vice President Li Jian is fifth from right, flanked by Weltec staff, Moira Hagenson on the left (Director, International) and Graham Carson on right (Head of School of Engineering Technology). To Graham’s right is Mr Brian Cao (Senior Market Manager, Weltec).