22 June 2022 at 9:30 am
Photo book to spotlight New Zealand’s strong education relationship with China
We are calling on New Zealand institutions and organisations to submit photos for a photo book project to celebrate the bilateral New Zealand – China education relationship, under the broader banner of our 50-year anniversary.
The photo book will be a special opportunity to reflect on the strong education relationships between New Zealand institutions and their partners in China.
Please submit your high-resolution (resolution above 300dpi) photos to the ENZ China team at china@enz.govt.nz by 15 August 2022.
To be included in the book, photos need to include captions and full information. If we receive a high number of photos, it may not be possible to include all submissions.
Please include the following information for each photo:
- Event/occasion
- Location
- Date
- Name, title and organisation of the people in the photo, including their location in the photo
Miranda Herbert, Director of Education – China, Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (left)
Deputy Director General Xu Yongji, Department of International Cooperation, China Ministry of Education (right)
3 June 2020 – face-to-face meeting at the Ministry of Education in China.
The Chinese Ministry of Education welcomed Miranda, saying at the time that it was their first meeting with any foreign Education Counsellor post Covid-19.