3 February 2016 at 9:00 am
Promotional opportunity in Japan
Keibunsha Publishing in Japan is interested in hearing from institutions, providers and regional education groups who might like to promote their education offering in the annual New Zealand Study Guidebook.
The advertising rates range from around $800 NZD for a quarter page (available to schools only) to $5800 NZD for a two page colour spread, with five other options in between.
The 2015 magazine can be viewed here.
The Guidebook is distributed free of charge to 30,000 schools, universities and education organisations and is a highly-respected Japanese-language source of information on studying in New Zealand. For details on the guidebook, including content and distribution, download the Keibunsha’s proposal. [link to proposal once uploaded]
For those interested in advertising in the guidebook, please fill out the form included in the proposal and email it to minori@kbunsha.com by 29 February.
ENZ will also update existing information with new images and content to give the guidebook a fresh new look that best showcases New Zealand’s education offering.