9 April 2014 at 9:00 am

Research funding available for China edu-tourism research

There is funding on offer for projects researching the needs and preferences of visitors to New Zealand from China including for combined education and tourism packages (edu-tourism).

The China Market Information Programme is administered by the Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE). It offers dollar-for-dollar support for businesses keen to research improved offerings in this area. 

The aim is to assist tourism and related businesses to better target and develop products and services for our second largest and fastest-growing visitor market. 

To be eligible, the research needs to be new, seek to understand the China visitor market better, have a product and/or service development focus, and target one or more of the higher value segments of the market. These segments include the tourism overlap with education services. 

The programme opened in October 2013, and has allocated funding of $1.6 million over two years. It invites applications from a wide range of co-investors, who can be individual businesses or research syndicates (based on region, itinerary, supply chain or a ‘special interest’). 

For more information about the China Market Information Programme, see the MBIE website

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