3 February 2016 at 9:00 am

Staff changes at ENZ

A new year is often a time of movement and shift, and the start of 2016 brings with it some staff changes at ENZ. The new appointments are all ‘Acting’ roles through to 30 June, while we trial the new configurations.

South and South East Asia

It is with regret that we are saying goodbye to Regional Director – South and South East Asia (SSEA), Ziena Jalil, and Lead – International (SSEA), Francesca Hilbron, who have both decided to pursue other opportunities this year. ENZ wishes Ziena and Francesca all the best in their new endeavours.

To ensure ENZ continues to maximise the opportunities the SSEA region offers New Zealand education providers, these two key roles will be filled on an interim basis from February 1 to June 30, while permanent replacements are found.

Stepping in to these roles will be:

John Laxon – Acting Regional Director India, (South Asia)

John Laxon is taking the role of Acting Regional Director India, along with his current role as Regional Director, Middle East. John will continue to be based in Riyadh, but will spend some extended periods working out of India.

Grant Fuller – Acting Regional Lead, South East Asia

Grant Fuller, based in Guangzhou, will be Acting Regional Lead, South East Asia on a part-time basis. Grant has previously been NZTE Trade Commissioner in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, worked in Minister Joyce’s office and led the Board and Ministerial team at NZTE. Recently he has been working with MBIE, ENZ and Wintec on projects in Asia.

Providers can feel confident that they can rely on continued support from the capable and experienced in-market SSEA staff led by Ben Burrowes, and Wellington-based John Mollo, with whom many of you work on a regular basis.

The Americas and Europe

Lisa Futschek – Regional Director, the Americas and Europe

The country portfolio of Wellington-based Regional Director, Lisa Futschek, has changed. While continuing in her role as Regional Director for the US and Latin America, Lisa will swap her responsibilities in Japan and Korea for those in Europe. Lisa previously worked for MFAT in Germany so is well-placed help drive growth in the Europe market.

Cecily Lin – Acting Regional Lead North Asia (Japan and Korea)

Cecily Lin, based in Wellington, will be Acting Regional Lead, North Asia (Japan and Korea). Cecily’s experience as International Market Manager, Latin America and North Asia, makes her an excellent fit for a deeper role in supporting providers in Japan and Korea.

Other changes

It is also with regret that we announce the departure of two other staff who are moving on to new challenges:

  • Sam Hoben – Senior Advisor, Strategy and Governance, has moved to a new role at the Ministry of Social Development.

  • Cheryll Wagener – International Events Coordinator, has taken up a role closer to her home on the Kapiti Coast.

Both Sam and Cheryll have made important contributions to ENZ, and we wish them well in their new roles.

Rachel Brandon has joined the team as International Event Coordinator on a three month contract.

Rachel has recently returned from Japan where she was part of the JET programme for three years. With a degree in international relations, experience as an international student in the Philippines and more recently as customer service lead for an online retail organisation, Rachel will bring valuable experience to the international event team.

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