9 April 2014 at 9:00 am

Think New in translation

The latest marketing materials for New Zealand international education are now available in eight languages.

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Some of the 200 items of Think New marketing material in local languages, now available on The Brand Lab.

The Brand Lab online marketing toolkit run by Education New Zealand (ENZ) for industry users now includes over 200 individual pieces of marketing material in these languages: Chinese, Thai, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. 

That means there are translated versions of 11 posters, 3 brochures, various advertisement templates and the ‘New Zealand education story’ videos (subtitled).

ENZ International Marketing Director Rachel Winkel says the translations truly internationalise the Think New brand, introduced in 2013. 

“The brand and its supporting materials were designed to better promote New Zealand education internationally. The idea behind developing these resources is to build awareness of New Zealand education internationally – who we are and what we offer as a country – which paves the way for you to introduce your school, university, business or institution and its distinctive strengths in more detail.”

Rachel Winkel says the translation project was “quite a big” undertaking that is expected to markedly strengthen the value of the free marketing toolkit to industry users. 

“The Brand Lab is already proving really useful to education organisations. We have over 1,100 registered users now, and that is steadily rising every month, along with the number of downloads of materials from the site.

“It is great to see lots of the ‘Think New’ material in use at fairs and in other recent marketing initiatives by industry – it means we are building a shared foundation of awareness of New Zealand as a ‘go to’ education destination.”  

Having translated material available was the obvious next step for The Brand Lab, she says. 

“It’s all about making it easy for education institutions and agents to reach out to audiences in their own languages.”

Phase two of the translation project is underway, involving the creation of digital assets for different markets, in the form of web banners in a range of popular sizes.

The Brand Lab use is free for organisations involved in New Zealand international education. 

You can access the translated marketing collateral, as well as the existing English versions and hundreds of photos, on The Brand Lab.

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