
Showing 10 of 6706 results

  • Great Air NZ packages for international students

    “Fly to Celebrate Graduation” is a special offer open to Chinese students and their families (up to four people including the student) flying back to Auckland for their graduation ceremony. When booking, they’ll need to show their graduation letters.

    The offer, which can only be booked in China through the Air New Zealand China Travel Centre (call 0400 101 8080), is for sale from 1 July till 10 September for travel between 25 August and 20 September 2013.

    The package’s return economy fare, CNY 5500, is up to 20 percent cheaper than a normal fare.

    A second package – “explorerPASS” - gives US and Canadian students travelling to New Zealand on Air New Zealand an easy and cost-effective way to travel within New Zealand and also visit Australia and the Pacific Islands on the same trip.

    For more information on how this pass works and terms and conditions please visit the website.

    The pass is on sale till 31 December 2013 for travel starting on or before 30 June 2014.

  • Kiwi robots breakthrough in China schools

    At the 2013 world robotics championship New Zealand high schools won three of the five high school divisions and went on to win the World Championships.

    Students from Glenfield College and teachers from Glenfield College, Westlake Girls High School and Massey University, led by Chris Hamling, National Manager of Kiwibots were invited by Tianjin Association for Science and Technology (TAST) to attend last month’s Tianjin Science Week.

    They visited five schools in the northern Chinese city. As well as showing off their robots, the teachers also did a number of presentations about New Zealand’s education system on the theme of “How we make winning students”.

    Chris says “We wanted to build up from a simple description of how robotics are used in the classroom and then go on to illustrate how New Zealand's education system emphasizes practical work.

    “Our ESOL support is important in allowing international students to find their feet quickly and that our universities are an important part of our education pipeline.”

    The Kiwi party was followed from school-to-school by CCTV, China’s largest television channel.

    Earlier this year TAST approached Chris wanting New Zealand schools to take part because China, like New Zealand, wants to to accelerate scientific progress and develop new technology, popularize scientific knowledge and create an environment for innovation. Chris says discussions between TAST and the Kiwibots led them to conclude that “it is primarily because of our education system that we are so successful”.

    Education New Zealand Senior Education Manager in Beijing, Stijn Te Strake, says “stimulating creativity through education is a recurring theme in dialogue with China and other Asian countries looking towards technological innovation to advance rapidly developing economies.

    “Kiwibots is a great demonstration of New Zealand’s strengths in these areas, in a fun and engaging manner that all can relate to.

    “During the visit we saw New Zealand and Chinese students interacting and learning from each other, with their passion for science and technology as the basis of common understanding.”

    Education New Zealand (ENZ) supported the Kiwibots visit to Tianjin. Last December ENZ also supported the Asia-Pacific Robotics Championship held in Auckland to leverage and promote New Zealand as a study destination, particularly for middle and high school students with an interest in technology.

    More than 500 students in nearly 150 teams competed in this championship, with 70 percent coming from offshore, mostly China (77 teams) but also Hong Kong and Singapore.

  • Education Southland: The power of collaboration

    Over the last five years they have achieved a 250 percent increase in international student enrolments and in 2012 there was a 16 percent increase in international students enrolments in Southland.

    Read more here.

  • Brazilian science scholarship opening

    Education New Zealand is now working with New Zealand Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (NZITP) on an agreement to include ITPs the SWB programme.

    The inclusion of New Zealand universities in the national call for applications for the SWB Scholarship follows the signing of an agreement between Universities New Zealand and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) which was witnessed by Prime Minister John Key and Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff, during Mr Key’s visit to Brazil in March 2013. 

    The SWB programme aims to send 100,000 Brazilian students on undergraduate “sandwich” courses; PhD “sandwich” courses; full PhD and post doctorates programmes to study science, technology, engineering, mathematics and creative industries at top universities around the world.

    The SWB also offers opportunities to foster relationships between institutions under a Special Visiting Researcher scholarship scheme. This scheme aims to attract recognised international researchers in priority areas set by the SWB programme to conduct projects with Brazilian research groups and visit Brazil for up to three months each year over a period of two to three years. 

    Information and applications for study at New Zealand universities is now available to Brazilian undergraduate and postgraduate students at this link.

  • GST and international students

    Officials recently released an issues paper dealing with the GST treatment of immigration services provided to non-residents.  While this does not have direct implications for educational institutions, it does serve as a timely reminder that supplies to non-residents must be considered carefully when determining whether GST applies or not. 

    The general rule regarding supplies of services to non-residents is that if the non-resident receives the supply in New Zealand, GST will apply. Conversely, if the supply or services physically takes place outside New Zealand, or if it is made to a non-resident who is not in New Zealand when the services are performed, the supply will be subject to GST at 0 percent.

    In relation to international students, where they come to New Zealand for their education GST must be charged. If the international students are enrolled in distance learning and do not come to New Zealand for the purpose of the course being provided, the supply will be zero-rated. 

    However, there may be situations where the international student completes most of the course via distance learning from offshore, but attends for example block courses in New Zealand as part of the course. In this situation part of the course delivery will be received by the student in New Zealand which makes the supply subject to GST at 15 percent rather than 0 percent. 

    Based on the comments in the immigration services issues paper, potentially all of the course fee could become subject to GST at 15 percent in this scenario, although depending on the detailed arrangements the GST liability may be able to be limited to a portion of the total course fee.

    If you offer any courses where the supply is received by students both within and outside New Zealand, we recommend that you seek tax advice regarding your GST liability.

    Andrea Scatchard is an Associate Director in the Hamilton office of Deloitte, and Allan Bullot is a Partner in the Auckland office.  Andrea can be contacted on 07 838 4808, and Allan can be contacted on 09 303 0732.

    While care has been taken in the preparation of this article, it has been prepared to provide general information only and should not be taken as a substitute for seeking professional advice. 

    Deloitte does not accept any liability for any loss that may arise as a result of any person relying on the information or views expressed in this article.

  • Understanding Indonesia’s education market

    Every year, more and more Indonesian students look to further their studies overseas. There is an awareness of the need for a better quality of education and the current circumstance in Indonesia is that facilities and quality education are somewhat still below expectations, especially when compared to abroad. International schools based in Indonesia also take a part of the increasing number of Indonesian students looking for an international education. After finishing at these high schools with an “overseas” qualification, these students usually opt to pursue their tertiary study abroad.

    With the number of Indonesian students choosing to go abroad increasing each year, why has New Zealand not truly benefited? It is simply because of the lack of information about New Zealand and the perception that New Zealand is a very quiet country with more sheep than people. We in Indonesia seldom see advertisements about New Zealand or the institutions while other countries have put lots of effort in branding their country and their institutions consistently. People are all the same. We tend to remember products that have a strong branding.  So, if you want people to always remember your product, you need to keep reminding people by persistently branding your product to the market.

    At first, I had the same perception of New Zealand being quiet too. Joining the May 2013 trip was my very first time to see New Zealand. I was so excited.

    I got a chance to visit representative institutions in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. In the South Island, my first destination was Christchurch where I found lots of major work to rebuild and renovate its buildings.

    The first day touching down in Auckland, and seeing the city itself, changed my perception. Auckland is not as crowded as in my country, Indonesia, of course. But it is not as quiet as what I thought! The city has everything that a student needs - shops, cafes, restaurants, flats, shopping centres and even the education institutions are all within walking distance.

    New Zealand is such a perfect place to study. You have everything in town, people are so nice and friendly, and it’s very safe. I don’t need to worry about pick-pockets or drunken people when walking with my female friends back to hotel at night.

    After seeing these cities, and visiting various institutions, I also found that New Zealand has a great education system. Students are taught in a very practical way, both, in high schools and tertiary institutions. And this is what New Zealand needs to show. You need to educate the Indonesian market about this and change the perception of New Zealand.

    Indonesian families are unique. They have a strong family relationship. Their children’s study destination is also influenced by their relatives and friends. Parents feel more comfortable about letting their children study in a country where they have relatives or friends staying. Most of the time, the experience and opinions from their relatives play a great part in their decision. Apart from that, Indonesian parents will usually send their children overseas after they graduate from high school. They believe at this stage their children are mature enough and can take a good care of themselves overseas. Therefore, tertiary education is more attractive to the Indonesian market.

    Recently, the postgraduate market for Indonesian students has also been growing significantly. For postgraduate students, study duration, value for money and the opportunity for job placement are the key areas they are usually looking at. Little do they know that New Zealand offers a postgraduate job search visa and the opportunity to work and stay in New Zealand after they graduate.

    So, by understanding Indonesian market better, I believe institutions can plan a better strategy for their marketing activities. Together we can promote New Zealand as one of the top destinations for Indonesian students to consider as a study destination.

    Key points:

    • New Zealand has a low profile in Indonesia

    • To change this we need persistent and consistent marketing in Indonesia

    • The Indonesian market is primarily a tertiary education market, but there are opportunities for other sectors

    • The postgraduate market is growing significantly.

    SUN Education describes itself as the “most complete” International Educational Consultancy firm in Indonesia, providing the largest selection of quality education and country destination under one roof with its main focus being Australia, Singapore, UK, USA, Malaysia, New Zealand, Switzerland and Canada. Suwarni has more than eight years of student recruitment activity and currently works with 10 countries including New Zealand.

    Suwarni Puspita, Branch Manager, Mal Ciputra, with Indonesia’s SUN Education Group recently took part in a visit to New Zealand with other education agents from Indonesia. She offers some impressions of the opportunities and challenges for New Zealand institution, and in particular tertiary institutions, in Indonesia.

  • Immigration physician panel update

    The agreement will improve the quality of health examinations visa applicants receive from doctors and radiologists undertaking immigration health examinations. Implementation of the aligned network will take place in three phases and is expected to be fully completed by mid 2014. 

    Removals and additions to INZ’s panel physician list in this phase of alignment will become effective on 30 June 2013. Panel physicians being removed from INZ’s list have been informed not to accept appointments after 29 June 2013.

    Applicants who have had a medical and/or chest X-ray certificate completed by a panel physician being removed from INZ’s panel will still be able to submit these certificates with their visa application if they have been completed prior to 30 June 2013.

    The aligned network will be jointly managed and co-ordinated by INZ and the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).

    The benefits of alignment include:

    • improved customer service;

    • targeted communication, administration, performance management and training for a single panel physician network, and related cost savings;  

    • enhanced integrity through robust auditing and analysis;

    • expansion of tuberculosis screening and treatment networks; and

    • progression of the immigration Five Country Conference objectives including: the promotion of health protection and efficiency through effective shared management and quality assurance, and promoting best practice, partnership and shared investment.

    A key consideration in developing this agreement is that the panel physician network remains responsive to the needs of INZ and DIAC visa applicants.  INZ and DIAC are working closely together to develop and implement a joint management framework.

    The INZ panel physician list is on the INZ website.  If applicants are unsure whether their medical certificates have been completed by a panel physician they should refer to the INZ website, or contact their nearest INZ office for further advice.

    INZ have also published additional information on the Questions and Answers section of its website.

  • ENZ’s latest Statement of Intent is out

    While the overarching goals and objectives for New Zealand's international education industry remain the same, the strategic framework of our next steps to support the industry to reach these goals are reflected in more detail.

    The two intermediate outcomes of these next steps include activities to increase both the economic value of international students studying in New Zealand and increase the economic value of our products and services delivered offshore.

    Alongside these marketing and industry development activities, we also support government-government liaison work and will launch our outbound scholarship programme.

    Download the Statement of Intent 2013-2016.

  • How New Zealand education compares around the world

    Education at a Glance provides comparable national statistics measuring the state of education worldwide. The report analyses the education systems of 34 OECD member countries, as well as Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.  Most of the recent data in the report relates to 2011.

    The findings show New Zealand is performing well.

    In terms of international education, key findings include:

    • New Zealand has the 11th largest market in absolute market share terms (at 1.7 percent), about the same as last year, but much higher than its share in 2000 (0.4 percent)

    • In 2011, we ranked fourth in terms of proportion of tertiary-level students who were international (16 percent). In particular, we had the highest proportion of diploma-level students who were international (at 21 percent ), and the fifth highest (with 13 percent ) at degree level

    • The level of international doctorate students has continued its significant rise since 2005 (since the introduction of domestic-fees policy). Nearly 40 percent  of doctorate-level students were international in 2011 (the third highest level after UK and Switzerland).

    The report shows that New Zealand is:

    • investing 7.3 percent of its GDP in education - the seventh highest in the OECD

    • ·investing 20 percent of all public expenditure in education, which is the second highest percentage in the OECD

    • in the top third of countries for participation in early childhood education - 95 percent of four year olds enrolled in 2011

    • in the top 10 of the OECD for the highest proportion of tertiary qualified adults, with 39 percent of 25 to 64 year-olds and 47 percent of 25 to 34 year-olds in New Zealand having a diploma or higher qualification

    • increasing significantly the number of 15 to 19 year olds enrolled in study - 81.5 percent in 2011, up from 74 percent in 2008.

    The OECD report, Education at a Glance 2013 is available here

  • GCC strategy released tomorrow

    Like other NZ Inc strategies, such as the ones for India and China, the GCC strategy will include international education goals.

    The GCC countries are: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

    Watch the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website to get a copy of the strategy.

    There is more information on the NZ Inc strategies here.

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