
Showing 10 of 6533 results

  • Students, schools and agents connect in Viet Nam

    Held over a week in late March, ENZ’s Regional Manager East Asia, Ben Burrowes, said the events were a chance to showcase New Zealand’s Future Proof education during Viet Nam’s key recruitment season.

    Held in in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, the fairs attracted nearly 700 students and parents – an almost eight percent increase on the 2018 fairs – to connect with more than 50 New Zealand education providers.

    “As Viet Nam’s largest in-market promotional events, the fairs presented a wide range of New Zealand scholarships, including the inaugural New Zealand Schools Scholarships (NZSS) offered exclusively to Vietnamese students,” said Ben.

    “To promote them, we organised for 31 New Zealand schools in the scheme to visit 20 local schools in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi before and after the fairs.

    “The visits were a great opportunity for New Zealand schools not only to showcase their education offering to prospective students but to explore partnership opportunities with Vietnamese schools,” said Ben.

    ENZ also hosted a School Strategy Workshop to provide New Zealand schools with insights into Vietnamese parent and student study decision-making processes, and different marketing and business development tactics for the market.

    Grant in Viet Nam2

    Karlene Davis (Left), Consul-General and ENZ CE Grant McPherson (Right) hit the ceremonial gong to open the ENZ Fair in Ho Chi Minh City.

    The agent seminars in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi were also a success, with more than 75 local agents attending.

    “Agent seminars play a key role in connecting New Zealand providers with capable education agents in the market. Getting to know the right agents is the very first step for New Zealand institutions to set their footprint in the market through agent network development,” said Ben.

    Viet Nam is a key market for international education in New Zealand. The number of Vietnamese students increased by 7 per cent in 2018 (34 per cent for the high school sector), with over 2,500 Vietnamese now studying in New Zealand.

  • University of Auckland tops Impact Rankings 2019

    The University of Auckland (UoA) is ranked 1st overall based on its performance on four of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)partnership for the goalsgood health and wellbeinggender equality; and sustainable cities and communities.  

    Initiatives include a staff cycling scheme, changes in printing access to reduce paper waste, recycling workshops and clothing swaps. 

    Two other New Zealand universities also placed well: AUT at 16th and Massey at 38th. More than 500 universities around the world submitted data for the report. 

    This is the first time THE has published its Impact Rankings. While most university rankings use indicators of research and teaching excellence, the Impact Rankings aim to recognise universities for their social and economic impact. 

    UoA Vice-Chancellor Professor Stuart McCutcheon is delighted that UoA’s work has been acknowledged internationally and demonstrates how relevant universities are.  

    “Universities have an important role to play in generating the knowledge and capacity necessary to achieve the SDG objectives. Correspondingly, they are valuable to universities because they enable us to frame our research, teaching, operations, capacity building, networks and partnerships in a way that enables the contributions we make to be universally recognised and understood.” 

    Massey University Vice-Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas says, “The University of Auckland is to be congratulated for an outstanding performance as number one in the world. I believe that reflects well on the entire nation. 

    “This exercise is valuable to universities. It makes us pause and take stock of what we do, align with collaborative global goals and examine our contributions against these goals in a way that can be globally benchmarked.” 

    ENZ Chief Executive Grant McPherson said the results reflected well on New Zealand. 

    “Their contributions on these issues are a testament to their global outlook, and reinforce New Zealand’s reputation as an advanced, progressive and innovative society. It is also what makes New Zealand an attractive study destination to many students from around the world each year.” 

     Click here full the full list of the THE University Impact Rankings. 


  • Letter from the CE: Living the brand

    I would like to offer a very big thank you to education providers up and down the country for the genuine support and compassion you gave to your students and families after the terrorist attacks in Christchurch. You embodied New Zealand’s brand values.

    I would especially like to acknowledge the work that went into ensuring accurate, appropriate messages were given to students, parents and other key parties, and the ongoing efforts to visit, and speak and comfort, affected people personally.

    Because of this amazing level of support, international students are continuing to have positive experiences in New Zealand. We have heard of very few cases of international students returning home, and in some cases, the warmth in our response has only reaffirmed their decision to study here.

    Here at ENZ, we are continuing to respond in a market-specific way to ensure New Zealand remains a sought-after study destination.

    These progressive and inclusive values Kiwis have demonstrated in recent weeks will be reflected in the ‘Think New’ brand refresh currently underway. It strengthens New Zealand’s identity as a welcoming study destination for all students, with strong cultural values and a future-focussed teaching style and learning environment where students can prepare for the future.

    We look forward to sharing it with you later in the year.


    Grant McPherson

    ENZ Chief Executive

    Grant McPherson3






  • New campaign focuses on new paths

    The integrated global campaign aims to engage ENZ’s existing audiences across our database and social media channels, and to raise brand awareness with new audiences, particularly reaching those who are actively seeking out information about studying in New Zealand.

    Kaylee Butters, ENZ’s Director, Brand & Design, says New Futures Need New Paths builds on the messaging introduced in the 2018 Future Proof campaigns, while aligning with ENZ’s refreshed Think New brand strategy, which will be launched later this year.

    “Our overarching campaign message is that a New Zealand education provides students with the skills required to excel in their future careers and create a positive impact in their world,” said Kaylee.

    The campaign draws on New Zealand’s strengths in educating students for the Future.

    In both 2017 and 2018, New Zealand has been ranked among the top three countries in the world in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Educating for the Future Index.

    “Our teaching style and learning environment, alongside our unique cultural values, make us the perfect destination for students who think differently and wish to forge their own paths,” said Kaylee.

    The 2018 World Economic Forum Future of Jobs Report highlights analytical thinking and innovation, active learning and learning strategies, creativity, originality and initiative as some of the top skills that will be in demand in the near future.

    To support the campaign, ENZ is creating three compelling hero videos that speak to the campaign theme, featuring three international PhD students with visions of a more sustainable future. Conducting research in the fields of marine biology, conservation and renewable energy, their paths have all brought them to New Zealand because of the unique opportunities they have here that will help them pursue their goals.

    “We encourage education providers to use the campaign assets and key campaign messages/themes in your marketing activity,” said Kaylee.

    Videos, images and infographics as well as tips on how to leverage this campaign will feature on The Brand Lab for New Zealand education providers and ENZ Recognised Agencies to use in marketing activity, including on websites, social media and at events.

    For more information about the campaign click here.

  • New Futures Need New Paths

    New Futures Need New Paths launches on 15 April and runs for eight weeks.

    This campaign builds on the messaging introduced in the 2018 Future Proof campaigns while moving towards the updated positioning of ENZ’s Think New brand, which is to be launched later this year. 

    We encourage New Zealand education providers and ENZ Recognised Agencies to leverage ENZ’s digital activity by utilising the campaign assets and key campaign messages/themes in your marketing activity. Campaign assets will be made available to download on The Brand Lab.

    Campaign strategy

    The overarching campaign message of New Futures Need New Paths is that a New Zealand education provides students with the skills required to excel in their future careers and create a positive impact in their world.  

    New Zealand attracts students who think differently, and we expect that this campaign story will resonate with these free-thinkers. Our teaching style and learning environment, alongside our unique cultural values, make us the perfect destination for students who wish to forge their own paths.

    The campaign will go beyond an introduction to New Zealand as an education destination and will focus on telling a richer, more emotionally engaging story.

    The campaign will focus on three strategic objectives:

    1. Target new audiences with the Think New brand messaging through the campaign story, to raise brand awareness globally.

    2. Engage with 'high intent' audiences who are already actively seeking out information about studying in New Zealand.

    3. Engage with ENZ’s existing prospective student audiences in our social media and database channels, inspiring them to take action and choose New Zealand.

    Campaign messaging

    The three key messages underpinning the campaign story and campaign content are:

    • New Zealand excels at teaching skills required for the future: Skills such as creative thinking, problem-solving and collaboration have been identified as key to future success.  

    • New Zealand provides hands-on learning in an unlimited learning environment: Our teaching style is self-directed, interactive and connected both in and out of the classroom.  

    • New Zealand welcomes students who think differently: Our teaching style and learning environment, alongside our unique cultural values, make us the perfect destination for students who wish to forge their own, better paths.  

    Campaign content

    ENZ is creating compelling content pieces that speak to the campaign theme and showcase New Zealand’s education strengths in helping students forge their own paths and prepare for the future.

    Our three “hero” campaign videos feature international students all working towards their vision of a better future:

    • Alexandra Lischka | Germany | AUT

      Alexandra chose New Zealand because of the opportunities to work with internationally respected scientists in her field. Her research in marine biology will help us better understand connections between the marine food chain and human health.

    • Enzo Rodriguez-Reyes | Ecuador | Massey University

      Enzo worked on the Galapagos Islands for four years and witnessed first-hand what was happening as a result of climate change. That’s what brought him to New Zealand. He sees the country as one of the world leaders in conservation, and a place where he can follow his dream to save a dying species.

    • Soheil Mohseni | Iran | Victoria University of Wellington

      Soheil feels lucky to have access to all the top expertise and cutting-edge technology to carry out his research in renewable energy. He says he is helping shape a new path for he hopes will transition us to a resilient, low-carbon economy, and a healthier planet.

    How can New Futures Need New Skills help you?

    The above stories as well as additional content assets will be available for education providers and ENZ Recognised Agencies to use in your own marketing.

    A variety of content will be available to appeal across sectors and will come in a range of formats including videos, images, infographics and web banners.

    These assets, alongside tips on how to leverage this campaign, will shortly be available on The Brand Lab for download. 

    As the campaign progresses, we will provide more information and updates via and E-News.

  • Around the world in five


    Another step toward a new international education strategy

    The Canadian government has announced funding for a new international education strategy that will place emphasis on increasing the outbound mobility of Canadian students.

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    Making ‘Study in India’ a success

    A lack of infrastructure, funding constraints and a non-existent support system for international students are a few issues restricting 'Brand India' from making India an attractive study destination.

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    Humanism is at the heart of international education

    Refugee and at-risk migrant students are engaging in international education in different ways than traditional study abroad populations due to the mobility forced on them.

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    Increase in students researching study options 2+ years in advance 

    Students in China are increasingly commencing preparations to study abroad as early as two years in advance, basing their decision on factors such as expanding international knowledge.

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    Education on AI proposed for university and technical college students

    A panel of experts has called for all university and technical college students in Japan to be given beginner-level education on artificial intelligence with the aim to boost AI research and development.

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  • How to register for ENZ events

    1. Go to and select the event you want to attend.

    2. Click on the ‘Event info’ button.

    Step 2

    3. Log in if you already have an ENZ Events account, or request a new account by clicking on the link provided. Once you have created a new ENZ Events account, you will need to return to, select the event you want to attend and sign in.

    Step 3

    4. When you have signed in, you will be taken to an Overview page. Please scroll down the page to the ‘Click here to register’ link which will take you to the registration page.

    Step 4

    5. Complete the registration form, making sure you tick the events you want to attend. If you don’t tick an event, you will not be registered.

    Step 5

    6. Once you have submitted your registration form, you will receive an acknowledgement email. Read the email and check the events you registered for are showing correctly. If they are not listed, then you have not registered correctly and need to contact the events team at

    Step 6

  • India promotional season targets new cities

    The ENZRA fairs took place in four new markets this year: Jaipur, Bangalore, Dehradun and Pune.

    Jugnu Roy, ENZ’s Country Manager – India, said this offered a great opportunity to reach out to aspiring undergraduate and postgraduate students from new Indian markets.

    “Indian families are increasingly choosing a New Zealand education as the best option for their children’s career paths. There was a 17% increase in Indian students enrolling at New Zealand universities in 2018, and a further 43% increase in first-time student visas in 2019.

    “As part of the university strategy for India, our focus is on increasing awareness and enrolments at undergraduate levels, particularly amongst students who have traditionally been looking to the US, UK and Europe for their undergraduate degrees.”

    In addition to the fairs, ENZ organised further activities for seven New Zealand universities. This included a roadshow to two prominent private schools in Delhi where they presented their strengths in the areas of business, engineering, science & technology, media, and art and design. This was followed by a high energy New Zealand-themed quiz show and some guest lectures by visiting academics from New Zealand universities.

    ENZ also announced the first New Zealand Excellence Awards undergraduate package for Indian students, offering 18 scholarships worth $10,000 each to study at any one of the New Zealand’s universities. Applications close 10 June 2019.

    India 3


    India 1

  • ENZ strengthens role in Indonesia

    DesireeLee profilepic

    Desiree Lee

    Desiree Lee has been appointed as ENZ Market Manager responsible for Indonesia, in addition to Malaysia and the Philippines. 

    Naluri Bella Watti has been appointed to the position of ENZ Programme Manager, Indonesia, and will begin with ENZ in the Jakarta office from Monday 17 June. Naluri will be responsible for developing and delivering ENZ’s in-market activities, having formerly worked in a marketing strategy role for British Council Indonesia.


    Naluri Bella Watti

    ENZ’s Regional Manager East Asia, Ben Burrowes, said these appointments align with ENZ’s strategic direction to bolster in-market representation for ENZ’s priority markets, with at least two representatives now covering the South East Asian markets.

    “Indonesia remains an important market for ENZ with a wide range of business opportunities across the country. We’re very pleased to now have additional senior resourcing and with a busy activity calendar ahead, we look forward to working alongside our institution partners to deliver the right results.”

    The annual ENZ Fair is the next large event on ENZ’s Indonesia activity calendar and will be held in Jakarta on Sunday 28 July. An agent seminar will also be held the following day on Monday 29 July.

    For more information and to register for the events, click here. Please note that the second round of institution registration closes on Monday 13 May.

    For any Indonesia enquiries ahead of Naluri’s start date, please contact or

  • Around the world in five


    Comparison platform Talk Study launched

    Talk Study is a new service allowing prospective international students in Viet Nam to compare study abroad options based on over 20,000 student and alumni reviews on institutions across Australia, UK, US, Canada and New Zealand.

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    Ethical agents should support direct student admissions

    According to a survey, only 38.5% of US institutions reported using agents in 2017. This means 61.5% – a solid majority – still didn’t. In addition, nearly 70% of institutions said agents were of limited or no importance to their international recruitment strategy.

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    France will increase university fees for non-EU students

    Foreign students that come to study in France will now have to pay higher fees. Fees for non-European university students will be, at least, ten times higher than for their European counterparts.

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    English level at Japan's secondary schools falls short of government target

    The English-language ability of students at public secondary schools fell short of the government’s target in 2018. A survey shows that final-year students of both junior and senior high schools did not reach the 50 percent goal set for them.

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    Higher education system in India needs more investment, reforms: Govt official

    The situation of higher education in India is grim and needs to be reformed, an official has said, while emphasising the need to grow Indian expertise in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

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