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  • International student enrolments top 59,000 for the first eight months of 2023

    The Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills, Hon Penny Simmonds, today released international student enrolment data for the first eight months of 2023. From January to August 2023 there were 59,306 international student enrolments* with New Zealand education providers, a 43% increase compared to the full year in 2022.   

    Minister Simmonds said, “Over 59,000 enrolments, in just eight months, confirms that international students continue to find New Zealand an attractive education destination. And for the university sector with 27,535 students enrolled, where a proportion of learners may study for a number of years, there is a solid base of students from which to grow.” 

    International student enrolments have grown in all subsectors except wānanga. Comparing 2023 to 2022, English Language Schools have seen the greatest percentage increase in international enrolments, increasing by 347% from 1,565 to 7,001Schools reported a 114% increase from 5,925 to 12,662. Te Pūkenga, a 32% increase from 4,955 to 6,560. Universities, a 15% increase from 24,040 to 27,535 and Private Training Establishments (funded and unfunded), a 13% increase from 5,000 to 5,671. 

    Universities and schools remained New Zealand’s two largest subsectors for international students.  

    As with all New Zealand’s competitors, China is the largest source market for international students. In the reporting period, China was 36% of enrolments, with India (10%), Japan (10%), South Korea (5%), and Thailand (4%) in the top five. 

    Minister Simmonds said, “It is a Government priority to diversify our recruitment efforts for international students with the aim of reaching a broader spectrum of countries.” 

    Final enrolment numbers for 2023 will be available shortly. 

    To access the latest data provided by the Ministry of Education, please use the public access link to Tableau here

    * One individual may enrol more than once 



    For further information: 

    Justin Barnett | Director of Communications, Education New Zealand  

    +64 21 875 132 

  • PIF Recipient: Financial education platform for secondary schools

    Founded in 2015, Banqer set out to tackle the global challenge of financial illiteracy. The team knew that school students were missing out on practical and engaging financial education, partly from a lack of curriculum-aligned resources, and partly from time-poor schools and teachers struggling to deliver financial education on top of everything else.

    Research shows that 75% of us believe schools aren’t doing enough to combat financial illiteracy, and with financial education widely seen as a ‘circuit breaker’ for intergenerational inequality, something needed to change. That’s where Banqer’s award-winning platform came in. Through an online simulation, Banqer introduces students – from primary school through to secondary – to financial concepts like budgeting, savings, careers, insurance, renting, home ownership and investment. 

    "We've seen firsthand the engagement and impact that Banqer creates in New Zealand secondary school classes, and are excited to take this to the world with the support of Education New Zealand,' said Kendall Flutey, Co-Founder and CEO of Banqer 


    Banqer High at Cashmere High School

    A step-change from textbooks or written resources of the past, Banqer helps students learn by doing. Learners explore their own simulative economy where they create fictitious bank accounts, earn income, pay expenses, invest, insure, budget and more. 

    Banqer is one of the recipients of the International Education Product Innovation Fund – an initiative funded by the New Zealand Government’s Covid Response and Recovery Fund and managed by ENZ, New Zealand’s dedicated agency for international education. 

    With Banqer’s platform already widely used by schools across New Zealand, the company is looking to scale up its impact and innovation to create financial empowerment for more learners around the world. 

    Support from the Product Innovation Fund will help the company scale Banqer High (its platform for secondary school learners) across Australia and validate new markets, including in North America. The funding will also help develop Banqer Beyond, a new product which aims to bring Banqer’s financial education to a broader audience beyond schools, which could include workplaces, community settings, or direct to consumers. 

    Banqer was a natural fit for the Product Innovation Fund, which is supporting seven pilot projects that deliver new, meaningful and unique learning experiences from New Zealand to the world. These pilots reimagine what a New Zealand education experience can look like and mean for global learners.  

    From New Zealand to the world, Banqer’s technology is setting learners on track for better financial futures. And thanks to the partnership between Banqer and ENZ, the stage is set for this New Zealand-built product to have an even greater impact around the world, delivering financial education and empowerment to learners wherever they are. 


    More information: 

    Learn more about Banqer. 

  • PIF Recipient: Blue Tomorrow

    A new online offering from AUT Ventures is set to immerse learners worldwide in one of the greatest challenges – and opportunities – of our times: the blue economy. More importantly, it aims to give learners the confidence to take their next steps towards a rewarding career and an education pathway that builds a more sustainable future for humanity and the ocean. 

    The blue economy describes marine activities that generate economic value and contribute positively to ecological, cultural and social well-being. ‘Blue Tomorrow’ is an innovative learning experience that will guide learners through the blue economy’s mission, careers and pathways. 

    Blue Tomorrow is a pilot project developed jointly by AUT Ventures and Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ), New Zealand’s government agency for international education. Through its International Education Product Innovation Fund, ENZ is supporting a range of pilot projects that reimagine how a New Zealand education can engage and inspire international learners and create impact through new delivery modes, approaches, and partnerships. 

    Blue Tomorrow was one of the first projects to be supported by the Product Innovation Fund and is a natural fit as innovation is both its cause and career lens. The approach positions New Zealand as a leader and champion for sustainable oceans, inspiring learners into a diverse range of career opportunities and the education pathways to get them there. 

    So why Blue Tomorrow? Globally, the blue economy is set to double in size by 2030. It is a natural fit with New Zealand’s identity as an island nation and a member of the South Pacific region, whose countries and peoples are intrinsically connected to the ocean. With 96% of its territories underwater, New Zealand has one of the world’s longest coastlines and largest exclusive economic zones, making it a hotspot for marine biodiversity. Aotearoa has the wisdom, obligation, and opportunity to lead the world toward the ocean we want.  

    To deliver this programme, AUT Ventures is partnering with Moananui, a collaboration of leading private companies, public sector entities, and research institutions, with the goal of transforming Aotearoa New Zealand into a world-leading ecosystem for developing and commercialising blue economy products, services, technology, research, and capability. For Moananui, Blue Tomorrow aligns with its mission to accelerate innovation and investment in Aotearoa’s blue economy to generate unparalleled economic, social, cultural, and ecological value.  

    AUT Ventures is partnering with Moananui, a collaboration of leading private companies, public sector entities, and research institutions.

    Modern learners are searching for a career in service of a cause, but the pathways to enter them are often unclear. Mission-led organisations require talent and leadership with a shared purpose to fill the domestic and global needs of the growing blue economy. Blue Tomorrow flips the traditional model around - purpose first, career second, and helps take care of the pathway puzzle. The online learning experience shows how the blue economy can lead to a financially rewarding career that contributes to shared global challenges and builds a more sustainable global economy. 

    In today’s climate, there is no shortage of challenges, from over-fishing and biodiversity loss to ocean warming and acidification. The importance of sustainable oceans, and the pressing need for action, are reflected in the UN Ocean Decade and Sustainable Development (SDG) Goal #14 – life below water. But developing the blue economy also presents immense opportunity, including the potential to address other SDGs, including zero hunger (SDG #2), decent work and economic growth (SDG #8), responsible consumption and production (SDG #12), and climate action (SDG #13). 

    The partnership with Moananui brings together commercial, public, and community partners from New Zealand’s blue economy who have global credibility and unique stories of innovations that are good for the planet to share with learners worldwide. Blue Tomorrow has the potential to become a widely known model for linking the blue economy’s growing demand for talent with respected education offerings from New Zealand providers, building awareness, and enabling action for a more sustainable future for the ocean. 

    Across four weeks of online learning, Blue Tomorrow will empower learners to find their own place in the blue economy. Unlike some traditional programmes designed to prepare learners for a specific career, sector or discipline, Blue Tomorrow aims to inspire learners around a cause – in this case, the blue economy. Local industry guests accompany learners on the journey that starts with an overview of ocean literacy and the blue economy. They then explore the blue economy sectors and take a deep dive into one (aquaculture in the pilot), where they investigate careers and pathways, including a taste of local learning (Te Pūkenga, NMIT’s sustainable aquaculture programmes in the pilot). The experience wraps up with learners reflecting on their inner development and planning for their next steps in the blue economy. 

    The blue economy is one of the biggest opportunities on the planet. Blue Tomorrow puts learners at the centre of this new frontier. 

  • PIF Recipient: Boma

    Christchurch-based Boma is a new kind of education provider, on a mission to support current and emerging leaders to be more intentional, intelligent, and courageous for the future. Boma runs events, workshops, and courses, and has worked with leading organisations in Aotearoa and around the world, from global tech companies Facebook and Zoom to locally based organisations such as Meridian Energy, Stuff, and New Zealand Trade & Enterprise. 

    But it’s the next phase of Boma’s expansion that’s really set to make waves on the world stage. Thanks to an award of funding from the International Education Product Innovation Fund, Boma is creating a global, cohort-based course for rugby coaches delivered in partnership with The Crusaders – the Christchurch-based professional rugby team and the most successful team in the history of the Super Rugby competition. 

    Founder and CEO of Boma NZ, Kaila Colbin with Crusaders Coach, Scott Robinson

    Founder and CEO of Boma NZ, Kaila Colbin with Crusaders Coach, Scott Robinson

    "We at Boma are so excited to be working with Education NZ and the Product Innovation Fund. We share so many things: a commitment to excellence; an agile test-learn-iterate approach; and a passion for bringing Aotearoa's special sauce to the world. We're honoured to have been chosen as one of the recipients of the fund, and we know we'll be able to go farther, faster by working together".

    Kaila Colbin , Founder and CEO, Boma New Zealand 

    Aimed at rugby coaches from high school teams through to professional level, the Crusaders Coaching Leadership Programme™ will run for the first time in late 2022. Unlike competitors who offer training through on-demand video but generate low completion rates, Boma’s pilot project with The Crusaders combines the flexibility of self-directed learning with the accountability of being part of a real-time cohort of learners. 

    Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) is the agency behind the Product Innovation Fund. As New Zealand’s dedicated government agency for international education, ENZ is helping shape a broader, more diverse international education sector with built-in resilience to future shocks such as global pandemics. 

    In total, seven pilot projects have been supported through the Product Innovation Fund. Together, they reimagine what a New Zealand education experience could look like and mean for global learners. Boma’s pilot project, for example, taps into a new audience – rugby coaches around the world looking to learn ‘The Crusaders Way’. Before COVID-19, rugby coaches from around the world would travel to New Zealand to learn what makes the team so successful. 

    By partnering with Boma, The Crusaders will be able to share their rugby and leadership expertise with learners around the world through a course offering that is high quality, consistent and scalable. 

    Boma has big plans for the future and sees a logical path for its course offerings to grow from rugby leadership into sports leadership, to business leadership and then into general leadership. Boma’s approach to learning is as much values-led as it is content-led, and this sets Boma apart from its competitors. 

    The support from ENZ through the Product Innovation Fund for Boma’s first pilot project with The Crusaders may well pave the way for more to follow. With a goal of building the leaders the world needs, Boma sees an opportunity to partner with other well-respected, values-led organisations like The Crusaders to create transformational, immersive learning experiences from New Zealand to the world. 

    More information: 



  • PIF Recipient: Chasing Time English

    Across the world, there is a vast market for English language learning. To put a number on it – around one billion learners. In many countries, though, English is taught through repetitive, mostly grammar-based content. The result is two-fold: students become disengaged and disinterested, and they advance in writing and reading skills at the expense of speaking skills. 

    Chasing Time English is a New Zealand company on a mission to make English language learning engaging, exciting, and effective for educators and students around the world. How? Through video. The team at Chasing Time English believe that English language classes should excite and inspire students to learn more, and decided video was the best medium to achieve this. 


    Chasing Time English uses engaging video story content to educate learners.

    Chasing Time English uses engaging video story content to educate learners.

    Through original, live-action-drama videos, Chasing Time English brings intrigue, humour, surprise and suspense into learning. Redrawing the line between education and entertainment, the short videos produced by Chasing Time English are designed to stand alone as quality entertainment, with strong learning outcomes embedded throughout. 

    To achieve this feat, the company brings together a team of English language educators, applied linguists and filmmaking professionals, who collaborate to create compelling, narrative-based drama content backed up by a cutting-edge pedagogy. 

    While other education publishers also produce English language learning video content, this is often lower quality video with limited learner appeal and retention. By creating professional quality drama content, Chasing Time English has become a market leader in English language video learning. Captivate learners, and the learning will follow. 

    Chasing Time English is one of the successful recipients of funding from the International Education Product Innovation Fund, a New Zealand Government-funded initiative to support pilot projects that reimagine and rethink what a New Zealand education experience can look like and mean for global learners. Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) is the government agency responsible for international education and is managing the Product Innovation Fund. 

    ENZ will work in a partnership approach with each successful recipient, sharing skills, expertise and resources to help each pilot succeed and develop into a self-sustaining education offering. The lessons learned through the pilot projects will be shared for the benefit of New Zealand’s entire international education sector, with a view to encouraging innovative, new offerings for international learners to experience a New Zealand education. 

    The Product Innovation Fund award will enable Chasing Time English to design, develop and deliver a new set of programmes for high beginner to elementary English language learners and educators. Target audiences include New Zealand education institutions with offshore partners, high schools in Japan and the Netherlands, and English language teachers at the post-beginner level. 

    Across two programmes of 10 weeks each, learners will be able to access up to 100 hours of engaging resources, including Chasing Time English’s distinctive video content, along with other audio and video resources and communication-based activities. The new set of programmes will incorporate a strong New Zealand theme, sharing New Zealand storytelling and themes of environmental sustainability and innovation. The original video content will also showcase New Zealand’s spectacular natural scenery, helping inspire learners and build a connection with New Zealand, wherever they are in the world. 

    With the support of ENZ through the Product Innovation Fund, Chasing Time English is set to continue growing its impressive offering for English language learners around the world. Already setting the bar for the quality of its learning resources and pedagogy, this Kiwi education provider is showing that online learning can be fun and effective, while also showcasing New Zealand’s landscapes, people and values to learners wherever they are. 

    More information: 

  • PIF Recipient: Connect2NZ

    Connect2NZ aims to show that tertiary education providers can work with government agencies to build a framework for international learners that is innovative, future focused, and learner-centric.     

    Connect2NZ’s target audience is professionals, living outside New Zealand, who are seeking skills development in emerging sectors. Work has been undertaken to determine learner needs and match those with areas where New Zealand is strong. The project will design and deliver micro-learning and short courses which have pathways, allowing these learners to study from a group of courses to achieve their desired career outcomes. Potential topics include technology, leadership, health and wellness, food and agritech, energy, tourism, design and natural hazards. Our goal is to eventually extend our offerings to degree qualifications.  

    "What excites me the most about the Connect2NZ project is the exploration of potential new offshore/online markets. In particular, the global lifelong learner market which is huge and to date not well served by some of the fantastic educational offerings available from the New Zealand Higher Education sector, "  

    Professor Mick Grimley, Dean of Future Learning and Development, University of Canterbury 

    Some of these courses will be delivered by one provider partner, while others will be jointly designed and delivered. The number of tertiary education providers is expected to grow following consultation with government agencies and community outreach.    

    The pilot project is supported by Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ). Through its International Education Product Innovation Fund, ENZ is supporting a range of pilot projects that reimagine how a New Zealand education can engage and inspire international learners and create impact through new delivery modes, approaches and partnerships.  

    "Connect2NZ breaks the mold by uniting our organizational strengths in solving a challenging problem. When we prove success, the value add is a model other institutions can follow". 

    Dr David Dannenberg, Director of Learning, Teaching and Library, Lincoln University.



  • PIF Recipient: Mission New Zealand

    With support from Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao, New Zealand’s government agency for international education, Mission New Zealand showcases courses from a number of New Zealand institutes, and is being developed by The Mind Lab. 

    Mission New Zealand offers a fully immersive and distinctly New Zealand experience. It focuses on the best of what New Zealand has to offer and the benefits of being part of a global movement for positive change. 

    From anywhere in the world, learners can choose from a mix of short courses and micro-credentials, grouped around four themes that reflect New Zealand’s progressiveness and values: culture, tech innovation, creativity and sustainability. Courses range from one to 15 weeks in length, with a mix of free and paid options available. 

    A selection of The Mind Lab’s own micro-credentials is available on Mission New Zealand, along with offerings from Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology - and some of New Zealand’s most innovative private training establishments. 

    Visitors to the site will be greeted by the world’s first 360° virtual pōwhiri, starting at the gates of Ngāti Whātua Orākei Marae in Auckland. They will experience being called onto the marae with a karanga and stepping onto the grounds to be welcomed by members of Ngāti Whātua. 

    Personalised learning, with optional content and stories, insights and other material will help learners experience what makes New Zealand unique.  

    Through an immersive experience, Mission New Zealand invites learners to take the first step in a lifelong connection with Aotearoa New Zealand. 

    The new platform is designed to address the increasing global demand for connections with purpose and cause, for online learning options, and for shorter and more flexible courses. 

    Mission New Zealand is among a range of pilot projects supported by Education New Zealand's Manapou ki te Ao Covid Response and Recovery Fund product and service diversification workstream. This New Zealand Government-funded initiative encourages the development of new products and services in the international education sector.  

    The Mind Lab was founded in 2013 and has a strong background in innovation, online education delivery that builds impactful futures and building community connections, including relationships with iwi and Māori-led organisations. 

    More information: 

  • PIF Recipient: Te Kaihau Ltd

    Te Kaihau Ltd, based in the Hutt Valley, is the organisation behind the Global Enterprise Experience (GEE), a well-known social enterprise proposal competition. For years, GEE has brought together eight-person virtual teams from around the world. Their challenge: to work together on a six-page business case for a profitable, self-funding business venture that addresses a United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) and can get off the ground with limited capital. 

    In 2022 alone, GEE placed 1,100 participants from 131 universities and 98 other organisations across 72 countries onto global teams. Although many participants are tertiary students studying business or other courses, GEE teams are open to anyone, anywhere in the world, looking for a cross-cultural challenge. 

    From a highly successful foundation, Te Kaihau Ltd is planning to upgrade the Global Enterprise Experience into an even more impactful programme that builds lifelong links between Kiwis and emerging global learners, while making a real contribution to sustainable development. Thanks to an award of funding from the International Education Product Innovation Fund, managed by Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ), the upgraded GEE programme is on the way to becoming a reality. 

    The new ‘GEE Peer-Leader Plus’ programme is designed to supercharge the impact of the existing programme, which already develops an impressive set of skills in its participants: cross-cultural communication, teamwork, entrepreneurship and innovation to name a few. 

    Future GEE learners who opt into GEE Peer-Leader Plus will benefit from one-on-one leadership coaching, peer-group interactive webinars, online learning modules, and a microcredential in peer-leadership which will be assessed on performance. 

     As Te Kaihau Ltd explains, the upgraded programme aims to transform learners into peer-leaders. Instead of being passive recipients of knowledge, peer-leaders step up to make a difference where they can, no matter their ‘designated role’ in a workplace or other organisation. Peer-leaders are confident, can influence others, are action oriented, and can support designated leaders to make change. 

    A deeper, more immersive learning experience through the GEE Peer-Leader Plus programme will also leave learners in a better position to bring their sustainable business concept to life, or take other meaningful action on the UN SDGs. 

    Woven throughout the new learning experience is a uniquely New Zealand theme, which draws attention to New Zealand’s efforts on sustainable development and positions New Zealand as a leader in ‘manaaki leadership’, which uplifts and supports the mana of others. 

    To complement the upgraded GEE experience, a microcredential will be developed and offered to universities and other education providers. A microcredential – a short course that offers certification on completion – recognises achievement in a specific set of skills, competencies, and knowledge. The GEE Peer-Leader Plus microcredential will provide a way for education providers to incorporate peer-leadership into their international-focussed course offerings. 

    Over time, and using the GEE Peer-Leader Plus microcredential as a stepping stone, Te Kaihau Ltd hopes to build a full qualification in global leadership and innovation by 2025, with the GEE Peer-Leader Plus experience serving as one module. With GEE participants coming from 800 universities around the world, Te Kaihau Ltd has built a valuable network of learners and education providers. Now, with support from ENZ and the International Education Product Innovation Fund, the stage is set for the New Zealand-led GEE programme to supercharge its impacts, building peer-leaders around the world with the skills and capability to take action for a better future. 

    More information: 

  • PIF Recipient: Te Whare Hukahuka

    Ka Hao is one of the successful initiatives to receive funding through the International Education Product Innovation Fund, a New Zealand Government-funded initiative designed to reimagine what an education from Aotearoa New Zealand can look like and mean for global learners.  

    With Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao (ENZ) - New Zealand's government agency for international education and the kaitiaki of the Product Innovation Fund – onboard as a partner, Ka Hao is set to grow and create impact beyond our horizons, empowering and developing indigenous entrepreneurs across Australia and the South Pacific. 

    Te Whare Hukahuka (meaning the House of Innovation) is an Auckland-based indigenous social enterprise on a mission to improve the lives of 10 million indigenous peoples. Across a six-year-long track record, Te Whare Hukahuka has run programmes and delivered training in governance, business coaching, innovation, and rangatahi (youth) development. 

    Through indigenous leadership, Te Whare Hukahuka is proving that enterprises owned and managed by indigenous communities can be financially successful, create positive social outcomes, respect the environment, and uplift the culture of local communities. 


    That’s exactly what Ka Hao, Te Whare Hukahuka’s latest initiative, delivers on. Ka Hao is a ‘by indigenous, for indigenous’ e-commerce programme. Across 18 weeks learners design, build, launch and grow their own e-commerce system selling products and services to the world. Although the programme is delivered online, Ka Hao supports and engages its learners with a pastoral care team of more than 50 people – a unique point of difference which sets Ka Hao apart from other education offerings. By enhancing the support for learners, Te Whare Hukahuka aims to create an engaging learner experience and significantly boost programme competition rates and graduation results. 

    Well-resourced learner support is just part of what makes Ka Hao different from traditional education offerings. Everything about Ka Hao has been designed to create a learning environment that is culturally sensitive, safe, and respectful of the historical, social, cultural, geographic and economic factors that have left indigenous peoples in a disadvantaged position near the bottom of wellbeing indicators, both in New Zealand and other countries. 

    With more than 500 Māori learners already on the waiting list for this year’s Ka Hao programme, Te Whare Hukahuka is looking to bring the Ka Hao kaupapa to indigenous peoples beyond Aotearoa. The funding provided by ENZ through the Product Innovation Fund will enable Te Whare Hukahuka to research, pilot, test and evolve their first education offering across 16 Pacific countries. The target audience is new and existing indigenous business owners. 

    The International Education Product Innovation Fund is also supporting six other pilot projects from both established and emerging education providers around New Zealand. Together, the pilots reimagine what a New Zealand education offering can look like for global learners. In the case of Ka Hao, the pilot will explore how providers such as Te Whare Hukahuka can weave Māori knowledge and worldview into an education offering that is culturally relevant and responsive for indigenous learners in other countries. 

    As New Zealand’s dedicated agency for international education, ENZ is working with all the fund recipients in a partnership approach, building mutual benefit and reciprocity. The lessons learned through the pilot projects will be shared for the benefit of New Zealand’s whole international education sector, contributing to a broader and more diverse understanding of what international education can do for New Zealand, as well as the global learners who trust us. 

    More information: 

    Visit Ka Hao’s Youtube Channel to see over 4700 videos from their indigenous alumni 


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